Course Fee

We are a non-profit educational organization in the United States.

The course fee includes the TM course of instruction and  the lifetime follow-up program. You can pay in full, or defer your payments over two, three or four consecutive months.

Adults with annual household income of
$200,000 or more$980, or four $245 monthly payments
$100,000—$199,000$880, or four $220 monthly payments
$50,000—$99,000$780, or four $195 monthly payments
Less than $50,000$540, or four $135 monthly payments
Receiving federal assistanceAsk us about these rates.
On-Site Courses
Medical facility group or at-home instructionAsk us about these rates.
Full-Time Students
Ages 10 – Graduate School$420, or four $105 monthly payments
Children ages 5–9Ask us about these rates.

If you are seeking Contact Hours (except CA), there is an additional fee of $100. Because you can earn Contact Hours and 2 university credits, many hospitals and medical facilities offer tuition reimbursement for the course.

Please ask your human resources department.  To set up a course for yourself, your department or your hospital please contact us or email

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